Kangs' 1st Electric Guitar - the Fender Stratocaster
Kangs' Bass - the Fender Jazz Bass
Kangs' PRS - My finest instrument.
ARGH!! Matey!
Look over younder, cause here comes the blues, and ya got ta hittem' whilst they wain't.
Kangs goin' solar on y'all
160 watts of pure bass ampage
Kangs showin' off his VS-840 recording station
Tweakin' the Carvin's 100 watts for a premium sound
Kangs hammering out a riff during an afternoon jam
Kangs with his collection of assorted acoustic guitars
Pure jam
Kang's goin' solar on y'all...again
Ya right I wish I could play with my teeth
Forget Space Jam, this is
Bass Jam
Whoa! Settle!
Workin it
Walkin' on water
Power to the people
Psychedelic sunset
